NRI….Non Resident Indians…
This post is not just about Indians living abroad, but about all those people who migrate to new places from their homeland. I wrote NRI because I am one of them. After living for so long away from INDIA and having met so many like me from different parts of WORLD, I know this article holds true for all of us.
No matter whats our skin color, hair color or what language we speak, Our HEARTS beat the same way, they display the same EMOTIONS, cause at the end of the day we are all HUMANS.
NRI – The NON RESIDENT INDIANS . For some a dream come true status and for some a matter of destiny. I guess for those whom its a dream come true (I mean a choice made consciously) the dilemma may not be there or just a few. However for all others it starts as soon as they land in a land far away from homeland.
I still remember the day when my plane took off from Mumbai airport. As it sped on the run away & gradually took off late in the darkness of night… I could see the buildings lit with lights…, cars ,queens necklace…all getting smaller & smaller… I could feel my heart wrenching, a lump in my throat and tears rushing in to my eyes ready to roll down my cheeks…. I felt a BIG part of me is left behind and right that moment the thought came ..not sure for how long or if I ever will be back to call it HOME again.
Well I don’t know if all go through the same emotions but I know majority of us start thinking about homeland as soon as we land on a Foreign land( without knowing that we will start calling this land as our HOMEAND few years down the lane). Firstly we all struggle with establishing ourselves ,career wise, culture wise to the new land. Once achieved this the BIG question arises….should we go back ,should we stay back…what’s the best time to go back, How old should be the kids for easy transition..all these questions run as Bollywood movies black & white flashback in our mind. For a long time this continues to be the topic amongst the family get together’s or casual meets over a cup of tea.
Is there a certain concrete answer to it ??? I am afraid no… there is no firm YES or NO to it. As we all are unique and different individuals in our own way so are our situations. Our Family situations and needs will be different, our career goals are different , our financial securities are different and so are our PRIORITIES. I can tell you one thing no situation is a win win situation, they all have their own pros & cons. I have met some friends who stayed for few years & then just left (Some planned for couple of years & left, some who just left like that) , some who went back & came back , some who did this back & forth couple of times (and I am not exaggerating) , have met seniors who have told , we regret we could not go at the right time , if you even think about it then go at the right time. RIGHT TIME …what is a right time…or should I say is there a RIGHT time ??? Answer to it is there is no time such as RIGHT TIME… you make your decisions as RIGHT DECISIONS and then you call that time as RIGHT TIME.
My point is keep your priorities clear and enjoy your present . Life has its UPS and DOWNS. Please do not compare..else you will always be tensed and you will never make up your mind , you will always be in DILEMMA.I Wish LIFE was as simple as 2 + 2 = 4 . Alas, its not, but isn’t that the beauty of it.
I read a post about a person who hadn’t been to her parents for last 10 years (I am sure there must have been some valid reasons for it) she missed them desperately she wanted to go badly…she did go FINALLY day …after receiving a CALL (that we all dread for) . I just wish she could have taken that one decision… when she could have enjoyed the twinkle in those waiting eyes, that warm HUG she was desperately desiring for , “come my sweetie” that lovely voice she was longing to hear for… We all go through such thoughts …WHEN , HOW …there is no perfect answer to it.Sometimes putting too much BRAIN is not worth ..LISTEN to your HEART. Sometimes it gives you right guidance too.
I hear the discussions EDUCATION is better here or there. As parents we all want best for our kids, our parents did for us too right ?? We Studied in our HOMELAND’s but are making successful career here equally competent with kids who studies here right. We have seen people who studied here and are making marks in other countries. Discussions about the families , facilities, earnings…the point is there no END to these discussions. There is no fixed formula for it , there is no firm yes or no. The point is be HAPPY where ever you are, make that call ..listen to your HEART, we all get ONE LIFE. Do not spend it in regretting instead LIVE IT enjoying with what you have and what you do. We all are our own MASTERS. As long as you are happy from within, you will enjoy wherever you live and it will be your HOME SWEET HOME.