आम नहीं वो बहुत ख़ास है
बारिश में भीगी मिट्टी सा मधुर अहसास है ,
खुशनसीब हैं वो जिनके पिता उनके पास हैं
“पिता” शब्द जिसमे जीवन का सार है
वो जो तुम्हारे जीवन की नींव का आधार है
बिना कहे बरसे वो ऐसा निश्छल प्यार है
जो तुम्हारे जीवन का अनजान सम्बल है
बूझोगे ना , अंतर में छिपा वो आत्मबल है
मान भी है मनुहार भी है
रूठने और मनाने का व्यापार भी है
ज़ाहिर ना करे लफ़्ज़ों से बस छलके आँखों से,
बस ऐसा पिता का प्यार ही है।
प्रीती मिश्र तिवारी
१७-जून -२०१५
He is not common but very special,
a soothing feeling like the wet soil after fresh rain
Lucky are those who have their Dad’s by their side
“DAD” the word that’s essence of one’s life
He is the love that showers without saying
He is the support that’s always there
He is the hidden strength within you , many of you may not even realize
He praises, he pleases, he takes pride in you
He does the business of sulking and coaxing too
all because he loves and treasures you…
Mostly not expressed thorugh words but expresssed through eyes and deeds..
That’s how a Dad’s Love is Percieved…..Preeti Mishra Tiwari
17 – Jun – 2015
He is not common but very special,
a soothing feeling like the wet soil after fresh rain
Lucky are those who have their Dad’s by their side
“DAD” the word that’s essence of one’s life
He is the love that showers without saying
He is the support that’s always there
He is the hidden strength within you , many of you may not even realize
He praises, he pleases, he takes pride in you
He does the business of sulking and coaxing too
all because he loves and treasures you…
Mostly not expressed thorugh words but expresssed through eyes and deeds..
That’s how a Dad’s Love is Percieved…..Preeti Mishra Tiwari
17 – Jun – 2015
Papa, Dad, Father,Pita, so many different words for one relation. I guess one of the most underrated and least expressed relations but a beautiful source of unconditional love and strength.Most of the time whatever a Dad does is considered a part of his duty. We always see nice articles and poems on Mom’s and their sacrifices and efforts they put for us but hardly for dad’s. So this poem is dedicated to my Dad. my kid’s dad , my brother who is a wonderful and fantastic dad and to all the wonderful Dad’s out there (biological or not(I don’t want to use the word step) and those who fill the responsibilities of a dad ) those who act as pillar of strength, a guiding light and role model to their Son’s, Those who act as a knight in shining armor and are first love of their daughters, those who teach the first lesson of love,care,share and trust to their kids by loving, caring, and respecting their partners …YOU MAKE OUR WORLD BEAUTIFUL …..